The following table contains a list of definitions often used in evaluation of prevention of violence against women and gender equity work.


Actions (things we do) during a project or program.

BenchmarkA standard of excellence or achievement against which similar things are measured or judged.


Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.


An assessment that uses data to determine what outcomes a project or program has achieved and how effective the different processes used to achieve these outcomes were.

Gender sensitive data collection

A method of embedding a gendered lens into data collection practices. Implies that, as a minimum, all data should be collected, presented and analysed in a sex-disaggregated manner (i.e. the data can be “separated out”).


The desired long-term outcome of a project or program.


A measure of progress to what we are trying to achieve. Often used when there is no clearly defined measure.


Things we need to implement or resource activities.


The transformative process of taking in information that changes what we know and builds on what we do.

Logic model

A logic model is a graphic depiction (road map) that presents the shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact of a project or program. It depicts the relationship between your program's activities and its intended effects.


The day-to-day data collection and analysis that you do while implementing a project or program. Monitoring is often done internally by people who are delivering the program.


Outcomes articulate what success looks like and are the intended changes from a project or program.


The immediate results from activities; what has been produced or delivered.

Prevention of violence against women (PVAW)

Primary prevention of violence against women refers to preventing violence before it occurs using strategies that focus on addressing the gendered drivers of violence against women.


A portfolio of related projects managed in a coordinated way.


A temporary undertaking to provide a particular service or product.

Qualitative data

Non-numerical or descriptive data (e.g. text, photos, recordings).

Quantitative data

Numerical data or measures.

Shared measurement

When multiple organisations use the same indicators or data collection tools to measure progress toward common outcomes.

Theory of Action

A Theory of Action is the delivery model for a Theory of Change.

Theory of Change

A visual description of how a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. Exists outside a project or program.

Validated measure

A measure that has been found to be consistently reliable and accurate, often supported by research and systematic review of use in different populations or sub-populations (e.g. the K10).