Example indicators - Healthy masculinity

There are two key resources that are helpful when thinking through developing indicators for monitoring and evaluating behavioural and attitudinal change in men.

  • The Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI) - the CMNI is a widely used validated questionnaire on dominant norms for Western masculinity. The inventory ranges from the long form version (59 items) to the short form version (22 items). The CMNI-22 has been used in samples of Australian males and is able to detect change in the short term while also being useful for continuous monitoring over a longer program timeframe. You can download a copy of the CMNI-22 by clicking here.
  • The Man Box methodology - this methodology has been developed by Promundo, a global leader in engaging men and boys in promoting gender equality and preventing violence. The Men's Project conducted a study involving 1000 young men aged 18 to 30 years of age in Australia and found that the Man Box is alive and well in Australia today. The full report is available here.

The questions on male peer relations from the National Community Attitudes toward Violence against women Survey (NCAS) might also be useful for evaluating healthy masculinity work.

Some example process indicators include:

  • # of participants in the project

  • # or % of participants that reported the project was relevant to them

  • # or % of participants that were satisfied with the delivery of the project

Some example impact indicators include:

  • # of participants that have an increased understanding of the consequences of rigid gender roles or stereotypes

  • # of participants that demonstrate an increased understanding of the types of behaviour that constitute violence against women

  • # of participants that understand more about norms on masculinity and how these norms impact on individual health outcomes

  • # of participants that conform to masculine norms at baseline compared to at the end of a program (only for longer programs i.e. 3 to 4 years)

  • # of participants that identify actions they will take to call out sexism and sexist jokes in their everyday lives